Fiji P-115 / 5 Dollars 2012 – UNC




Issued by Reserve Bank of Fiji
Issue ND (2012) “Fijian Flora & Fauna” Issue
Size 136 x 67 mm
Printer De La Rue, London (England) – DLR
Watermark Fijian man’s head
Signature Savenaca Narube (Governor)
Obverse Kato ni Masima (salt basket). Domodomo (canoe masthead) as registration device. Kulawai, the
Red-throated Lorikeet (Charmosyna amabilis). Coat of arms.
Reverse Needle Peak, Mount Valili. Fiji crested iguana (Brachylophus vitiensis). Balaka Palm (Balaka longirostris). Ancient flowering tree Masiratu (Degeneria vitiensis). Reserve Bank of Fiji emblem