Germany P-57 / 20 Mark 1918 – UNC


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Issued by Reichsschuldenverwaltung
Issue 1917-1918 Issue
Size 140 x 90 mm
Watermark Large ornamental pattern
Signatures  8 total: Vieregge and 7 unidentified (Reichsschuldenverwaltung)
Obverse Roman goddess Minerva at left and the god Mercury
Reverse Knight, allegorical woman
Remark „Darlehenskassenscheine“ were banknotes issued between 1914 and 1922 by the Reichsschuldenverwaltung (Reich debt administration). They were in use until the hyperinflation in 1923.
These banknotes were not legal tender, however they had to be accepted by all public treasuries. Their value was guaranteed by loans on industrial and agricultural goods. Even without the status as legal tender Darlehenskassenscheine were a de facto currency widely used as a parallel currency to the Goldmark during WWI and the beginning of the Weimar Republic.