Indonesia P-153d / 100,000 Rupiah 2014 – UNC


Indonesia P-153d / 100,000 Rupiah 2014 – UNC

Out of stock



Issued by Bank Indonesia
Issue 2009-2016 Issue
Size 151 x 65 mm
Printer Perum Percetakan Uang Republik Indonesia (Indonesia) – PPUI
Watermark W. R. Soepratman
Obverse Potrait of Sukarno (Soekarno; Kusno Sosrodihardjo, 1901-1970), the first President of Indonesia, in military
uniform and Dr. H. Mohammad Hatta (1902–1980), the first Vice President of Indonesia; Document of the Proclamation of Independence; Modern house; Garuda Pancasila, the National Emblem of Indonesia; Logo of Bank Indonesia.
Reverse Parliament building, Jakarta