Yemen P-29 / 200 Rials 1996 – UNC


Yemen P-29 / 200 Rials 1996 – UNC



Issued by Central Bank of Yemen
Issue ND (1990-1997) Issue
Size 155 x 75 mm
Printer Thomas De La Rue & Company, Limited (England) – TDLR
Watermark Coat or arms
Signatures Aluwi Salih al-Salami
Obverse Alabaster sculpture

Detail of an alabaster carving of of a man with raised right hand, from a funerary stela in the National Museum of Yemen in Sana’a. The statue was found at Al-Juba and dates to the 1st century AD. The depiction shows the man from his head to his waist, though the original carving shows the man’s full body. His left hand grips a sword, while a dagger is tucked into his belt. His hand is raised in a gesture of peace, showing that he carries no weapon to attack. The original column also features three ibex heads in relief and a dedicatory text in Sabaean.

Reverse Waterfront view of Mukalla, the main port and commercial center in eastern Yemen.