Iraq P 89 / 10,000 Dinars 2002 – UNC


Iraq P 89 / 10,000 Dinars 2002 – UNC

Out of stock



Issued by Central Bank of Iraq
Issue 2001-2002 Issue
Size 175 x 68 mm
Signature Isam Rasheed Hawaish
Obverse Saddam Hussein, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Reverse al-Mustansiriya School (Baghdad), Astrolabe
Remark Issued by the Central Bank of Iraq in 2002, and was utilized for “larger and inter-bank transactions”. Rarely accepted in commerce due to fears of looting and counterfeiting. Declared as fully demonetized and no longer legal tender due to the fall of the government of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein as a result of the Fall of Baghdad in the 2003 Iraq War