Uruguay P 54 / 0.5 Nuevos Pesos 1975 – UNC


Uruguay P 54 / 0.5 Nuevos Pesos 1975 – UNC



Issued by Banco Central del Uruguay
Issue ND (1975) Provisional “Nuevo Peso” Overprint Issue
Size 154 x 69 mm
Printer Thomas De La Rue & Company, Limited (England) – TDLR
Security feature Solid security thread; UV activity; watermark
Watermark Coat of arms (overprinted with value “N$ 0,50 / LEY Nº 14.316” in a circle)
0,50 Nuevos Pesos (overprinted on 500 Pesos) - obverse
Signatures Signature titles: Co-Gerente General /  Secretario General / Presidente
Walter Garrido; Juan César Pacchiotti; Carlos E. Ricci
Obverse General José Gervasio Artigas
Reverse Dr.-Gabriel-Terra hydroelectric dam with Rincón del Bonete reservoir on Río Negro
Remark Black overprint at left on front on URUGUAY 500 Pesos 1967 (P-48) as transition issue while new banknotes were been printed